Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Glenbow Ranch

Glenbow Ranch Reflection - October 24

I saw Caleb.
I met new friends.
We saw a train going toward the mountains.
We journaled about things that we saw.
We went to the old post office and general store.
We got to go into the tipi.
We saw the broken down house.
We saw sage and it smelled good.
My group saw a broken down car and there were pieces everywhere!
There were fossils in a rock.
In my group we saw a compass and we used it.
Our group saw bird nests.
Today our group saw a dead snake.
Today our groups saw holes for gophers or snakes or something.
The snake we saw was a garder snake.
There was a sign in the visitor centre that said, land for sale for 6 cents/acre.
We saw animal skulls. Maybe it was a deer.
We found a geocache.
Our group saw white fur. We thought it was a bunny.
Our group did 360 degree journaling.
We saw a big hole in the tree. We thought maybe a tiny owl was in there.
I saw a tree that was looped on the top.
We saw animal scat.
We saw black and brown cows.
The post office was last used in 1920. That is 98 years ago.

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