Tuesday, February 19, 2019

February 19, 2019

Tomorrow the students from Snowy Owl and Whispering Willows are going on their trip to the Central Library and the Calgary Reads House.  Please ensure students have a full water bottle, dress for the weather as they will be walking outside for around 20 minutes, have a full lunch and an extra snack for the bus ride home.
Don't forget!  Our Peace Assembly is this Friday @ 11:00.  We hope you can come!
Please return the Big Box of Cards fundraising form with your orders.  Don't forget, if you order one or more you can keep the box that was sent home.  If you do not wish to order the box of cards, please return it to the school in the bag with the child's name.
Today the students did their first run through of their assembly where they got to watch what the other groups have been working on.
Much of the Kindness Pod missed the afternoon sports play day last week.  As such, we will find an afternoon where the weather is cooperative to play, build, explore and exercise outside next week.
We would like to welcome Miss Troskie and Miss Leask back to our Eric Harvie School.  They were so excited to be back in the school with our pod for the next few months as they complete their teaching practicum.
Here is the link with the dates and volunteer opportunities for our Open Minds trips again incase you missed it or can't find it:

Today the students got to exchange their valentine card with another member from the Kindness Pod.  It was so wonderful to watch the students giving and receiving and the kindness they demonstrated toward each other when doing their exchange.  

Upcoming Dates:
February 21: Fun Lunch (Dominoes)
February 26: Fun Snack (Pretzel)
February 27: Book Truck Today
Pink Shirt Day
February 28: Big Box of Cards Order Forms Due
March 1: Professional Development Day (No School)
March 4-9: Read-a-thon Week
March 21: Early Dismissal (Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences)
March 22: No Classes (Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences)
March 22-April 1: Spring Break :) 

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