Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Upcoming Dates to Watch For:
March 4 - 9/19 – EHS Read-a-thon week
March 4 – 9/19 – Swimming, Hope Pod
March 8/19 – AM Kindergarten to Bird Sanctuary
March 6/19 - Joy Pod (Sigurdson & Ross) Read Place Feild Trip
March 15/19 – Joy Pod Peace Open House from 10:15-11:45 am (Joy Pod Parents only)
March 15/19 – PM Kindergarten to Bird Sanctuary
March 21/19  Early Dismissal - Student/Teacher/Parent Conferences
March 22/19 -  Student/Teacher/Parent Conferences
March 22 – April 1/19: SPRING BREAK

Don't forget!  Tomorrow is dress as your favourite book character!

Students who are dressed appropriately for Winter Weather will be given the opportunity to go on a community walk during this Friday's Wonder Time.  If you do not wish your child to join us on the walk for any reason (e.g. if they will need to be signed out early) , please ensure that your child is aware of this, as their responsibility teacher will likely not be accompanying them on the walk.

-Ms. Low and Mrs. Bowles

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