Thursday, November 8, 2018

November 8, 2018

Tomorrow is our Remembrance Day assembly.  Only the families of the Hope Pod, who are hosting the assembly have been invited to attend.
If you are a member of Scouts, Cubs, Brownies, etc., you are invited to wear your uniform.

Why Visit the Coulee...a Kindness Kid's perspective

We need exercise. 
We need to breath fresh air. 
To enjoy the plants and nature. 
We saw things that didn’t belong. 
To do mindfulness in nature
We sat in our "no one but me" spot.  We were practicing mindfulness and listening for the drum. 
To explore new things. 
The small creek 
To smell the plants, sage.  It’s still on my fingers. 
I sat on a log above the creek and I felt calm.
We saw a giant tree and asked questions about it.  How tall it is?  How many branches it has.  How many "yous" tall it is. 
We saw a couple of nests.  I think it was a magpie nest. 
We did a no one but you spot and found math. 
We saw wild rose hips. 
I learned that if there is a lot of snow somewhere beside it or near it is really muddy. 
I learned that if there is a lot of bridges it is safe. 
Sticks and trees are safe to hold and grab. 
I learned that there are so many branches on the trees.
We had a hard time estimating how many branches it might be.
I learned that there is wood stairs in the forest. 
It is teaching me to respect nature and we shouldn’t break it or smash anything together. 

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