We have started using a RAN (Reading and Analyzing Non-Fiction) chart for our coulee inquiry project. We used cow poop as an example because it was something that no one could pick as it is not in the coulee.
During inquiry time, we picked a thing from the coulee and we wrote all that we thought we know about it.
In gym we played pass to partners.
Lunch was wet outside and there was snow on the ground.
We went to the gym and we played "Ships A'Hoy"
When we went outside for recess, some of us built a snowman.
Outside with Bradley and Miss Leask and Anatolia we built a snowman.
I chose a coyote for my inquiry. I am pretty sure that they are part of the K-9 family.
I chose garder snake. I wonder if they have a poisonous bite.
In math, we worked on number lines. It was fun!
Book Orders for Mountain View and Snowy Owl are due Monday, Dec. 3
Polar Express Forms were due today
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