Tuesday, May 21, 2019

May 18, 2019

The students have finished their work with our Artist in Residence, Wendy.  Today they learned how to be a great puppeteer and practiced using some of these skills.  

Some groups have come up with a rubric for assessing how well they are doing with retelling their story and with performing their puppet show.  This work will all be on display, as will their puppet shows during the Student Led Learning Walk next Thursday.

The Zoo Crew is working on creating “Twelve Mile Coulee Conservation and Curiosity Cards” for our Zoo Action Project.  The students have researched what animals and plants live in the coulee.  Each student chose one species of flora and one of fauna to gather information on. 

I am studying,
Flora                                                                                   Fauna                                                                            

The students are asked to find around 5 interesting facts about each.  Some of the topics they have decided they would like to discover are:

Is it edible to animals/humans?
Does it have medicinal use?
Does it flower and when?
How tall does it grow?
Does it have a Latin/scientific name?
Does it have a Blackfoot name?


What are its unique traits?
Does it have any defenses?
Is it a carnivore/herbivore/omnivore?
What is its life span?
What does it eat?
Does it have a Blackfoot name?
Does it have a Latin/scientific name?
What is its conservation status?

If students have time to work on gathering some information at home, with parent support, on either their flora or fauna species that would be very helpful! 

Here is a list of great resources to use:
Galileo Plant Index 
Alberta Fish and Wildlife Species Search
Alberta Native Plant Council
Twelve Mile Coulee Natural Environment Management Plan (pages

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