Friday, May 24, 2019

May 24, 2019

We had so much fun today playing with the brand new blue blocks.  This was our reward for winning the We Are Canadian Kids challenge.

Today we prepped candy bags to sell at this Saturday's Craft Fair.  If you'd like to come help sell our treats and water please email Mrs. Cox at

We also fit Daily 5 into our schedule today as well as an amazing Peace Assembly hosted by the PM Kindergarten class.

Next week, the Vivo and Zoo groups will be on their Open Minds Trips all next week.  Volunteers please arrive at 8:15 at the front office.

We were so happy to see all of the families who came out last night for our Student Led Learning Walk.  The students were so proud to show off their puppets and their puppet shows.

Running For Reading
Starting next Monday, May 27th and running until
Thursday May 31st, we will hold our Running for Reading Activity. The sessions will run from 11:45-12:15. Students who attend all four sessions and give their best efforts will be entered into a draw for prizes from Scholastic. These prizes will range from novels and books to Scholastic nick knacks like erasers and pencils.
Students can walk or run and will enter their name at the end of each session for inclusion in the draw.
The draw will be held Friday June 1st and awards handed out that morning.
All participants will get a Freezie for showing up and giving their best!!

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