Tuesday, May 21, 2019

May 21, 2019

Today the pod had a visit from Mrs. Bedry for Roots of Empathy and the students talked about what makes them special. 

It was a chilly outdoor PE class today.  Please make sure in this cold weather students are dressed in layers.

Today all of the students worked on finishing touches for their puppets and practiced filming their retelling.

We hope you can all come to the Student Led Learning Walk on Thursday so we can share all of their hard work with you.  It is from 6:15-7:30.

Today the students had a Skype video call with Farmer Ryan from Twin Valley Farms.  He spoke to the students about what crops they have seeded, what machinery they use, and what animals they have on the farm.  The students learned today that they will be visiting the farm on Tuesday, June 18th.  The forms for this trip will go home this week or early next week.  At the farm, the students will be able to climb up on combines, go on a tractor pull ride, see irrigation sprinklers, learn about moisture and how they use drone technology, meet the farm animals including chicks, goats, donkeys, horses and calves as well as grind seeds into flour and oil.

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