Tuesday, April 23, 2019

April 23, 2019

Today started off with some exciting things happening during Ignite.  Many of the plants we planted last week are already getting quite tall, especially the beans.  If you happen to have any seed packages at home that you wouldn't mind donating we would love to use them.

The Vivo group is working in partners using the "Clips" app to help prepare for their film they will create.  In math, they are working on finishing up their 3D sculptures and moving on to their writing rubric.

The Low/Shephard Museum group continued to work on their flags today and their tipis. 

The Zoo Crew had quite an amazing adventure this afternoon when they came across a mother moose and her calf in the coulee.  The students were silent and sat down to sketch them without even being asked to.  We watched them for about 10 minutes before we started to head back to sketch the crocuses. 

We all did Daily 5 today and most kids wrote about what they did during their Easter Long weekend.

Paint Nite on May 9 at 7pm! Great Mother's Day Gift. Available to children (and adults) from age 6 and up. $15 from each ticket goes back to the school and an additional $50 from the venue will be donated on top of that. ! Snacks and drinks are included in your ticket. Please come and have a fun evening with us. $45/painting
***Please note, 25 tickets MUST be sold by April 25 in order for this event to go ahead – SO we still need 11 more participants!!***
Purchase Tickets Here:

Any Question or Concern, Please contact:   Julie Rumer - ehsspecialevents@gmail.com

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