Today the Vivo group worked on finishing their 3D sculptures and started moving into writing about them using mathematical language (corners, edges, faces, verticies. They will be getting ready for building while using the gym with a play specialist during their Vivo week in May.
The Zoo group reflected on their walk to the coulee yesterday and added to their Twelve Mile Coulee Flora and Fauna list. We are writing about ways we think we can work to protect the coulee from human impact.
The Kindness Pod has begun our last rotation of our addition and subtraction strategies. The students are working to build their basic fact skills to help with efficiency, and number flexibility.
Our literacy groups are all starting to explore oral storytelling using Blackfoot Napi stories. The students are going to be listening to a number of stories and will select their favorite story which they would like to retell in a small group. They will then create puppets using a variety of materials with a puppet expert.
Spring Picture Day is Tomorrow!
Don't forget to order your spring plants to help raise money for exciting activities this year!
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